The Infrastructure and Facilties bureau is headed by

Mohd ‘Izzul ‘Ifwat bin mohd Johari

(Sony EMCS (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.)

013 3261831

Infrastructure and Facilities Bureau

  • The bureau aims to improve infrastructure & facilities for BIAA company members, to improve the service available at existing & new site industrial to further their potential for development and to facilitate information sharing among the BIAA members especially on Government policies.

  • The bureau plans to conduct Genba’s Bangi infrastructure & facilities area etc. road, monsoon drainage, manhole. The bureau will discuss further on initiatives to develop rest area or to organize gotong royong activities.

Do you have any issues to share with BIAA related to infrastructure and facilities management in your factory's vicinity?
Contact Mohd Izzul at


013 3261831

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